Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Couple of Stops Before Work

This morning, I'm going to a couple of print auditions before heading into work. I do have to weigh these things. If the pay wasn't good, I'd just say screw it. But the pay on one of the jobs would make my whole month!

Don't know how much longer I'll be able to slip in the occasional audition. But folks at the office understand I have other commitments. One is at All Print Media and the other is at Rodeo Casting. I go to the first casting studio at least once a month for different things.

Last night, I watched Stranger Than Fiction with Will Ferrell and Emma Thompson. Normally, I'd skip a Will Ferrell flick. But this one seemed like a writer's must-see. And it was, actually. I really enjoyed it, and also remembering two things: One, that you must pursue the passions that make life worth living, even if they may actually seem like a waste of time to most people. And two, endings to a story are just endings. You can change things, often for the better, but sometimes because it feels right, even though it lacks the perfect literary punch.

There's a third thing I'd include, but you'll have to see the movie. You'd get it in an instant.

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