Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Like No Tomorrow

I'm sitting at The Coffee Bean on Sunset, just west of Fairfax, on the patio facing the Directors Guild building. It's 63 degrees and sunny, according to my Accuweather toolbar, but it feels like 53 in the shade. That's the thing about Southern Cali. It's warm in the sun, but in the shade, it's like a refrigerator. Good thing I brought a sweater.

A young lady in a slinky black tank dress and her friend are smoking away like no tomorrow. The friend is wearing a T-shirt and Converse tennis shoes, if that's of any interest. The woman in the dress is also petting a brown and white Chihuahua. So Paris Hilton, you might say. But I suppose this woman is pretty enough to get away with the spectacle.

I've just finished writing a chapter for my ongoing novel. It's a scene about my dad and a fire he started in the family home when I was a child. Most of the scene is true, but I added some dialogue to the scene that never took place. My dad, however, did say the words, just in a different context, and so I thought it would make for an interesting scene.

I have to pee like a racehorse after drinking a large iced coffee, but I don't want to lose my seat or pack up my things, which obviously includes a computer. Fortunately, my friend Chin Han just called and he's on his way. Chin Han hails from Singapore, but he comes to L.A. to produce some projects, one of which is the AXA Awards or the Asian Excellence Awards. The awards show happens in May here in L.A. somewhere.

Okay, now, I really have to pee. Where the frick is the guy? I'm starting to do the pee dance in my seat. Not good. REALLY NOT GOOD.

The driver in a car on the street just honked at the car in front of him, presumably because he's pissed at something like being cut off. That's L.A. for you.

Oh, cool, Chin Han just drove up. I tried to wave at him but he didn't see me. Apparently paying too much attention to a sign indicating how much it costs to park here.

The Coffee Bean has a wifi service with AT&T, by the way. I get their DSL service at home and the wifi privilege is an extra 2 bucks. Don't know why I'm plugging them. They're not exactly paying me. I did, however, work for an agency that had them as a client. I guess that means they paid me.

What a relief, by the way. I peed like there was no tomorrow.

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